Fitness & Fun

The building of lifelong habits of fitness and wellness are an important part of education at Seton Hill University. The founding principles of Seton Hill’s Intramurals & Campus Recreation program are fitness, fun, and fellowship. Thomas Jefferson once said, “a strong body makes the mind strong,” but meeting new friends along the way is an added bonus.  

Seton Hill's Intramurals & Campus Recreation program will provide you with opportunities to participate in team activities such as flag football, sand volleyball, basketball, kickball, soccer, ultimate Frisbee, Quidditch and wiffle ball. There are also individual activities such as table tennis, horseshoes, ladder ball, can jam, video game competitions and cornhole. You can also check out tents and sleeping bags if you wish to go camping.

Students playing flag football If you are interested in paid work-study positions in intramurals there are opportunities for students to referee or help with scorekeeping at various times throughout the academic year as well!

Other Fitness Activities

Seton Hill also offers noncompetitive fitness activities, including weight training, aerobics, yoga, Zumba, self-defense courses and others. A fitness facility in McKenna Center houses steppers, treadmills and free weights for individual workouts and physical training. The Center is open daily and late into the evening. There is also an indoor track in the McKenna Center (11 laps is the equivalent of one mile). Basketball hoops are available in Sullivan Gym and a cycling studio is located in Brownlee Hall. Seton Hill also enjoys a partnership with the local downtown Greensburg YMCA, where you can use the swimming pool for a nominal fee. (The Seton Hill Shuttle has various stops in downtown Greensburg, including one at the YMCA.)

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